TASC Hand Book
Policies and Procedures
The Before School Program operates from 7:00a.m. until 8:30 a.m. daily following the Tuckahoe School District calendar. Parents may not drop their children off before 7:00 am.
The After School Program operates from time of dismissal until 6:30 p.m. Promptness in picking up your child by 6:30 p.m. is required. Parents must email to notify T.A.S.C. if they will be later than 6:30 p.m., failure to do so on more than three occasions will result in a fine of $1 per minute. Reoccurring instances may result in your child’s suspension from the program. The first person on the emergency form will be called to pick up the child. No child is left unattended.
For families who need the T.A.S.C. program on a more flexible basis, they may register for the Occasional Use Program, which requires a one-time registration fee of $100. This applies to both the Morning and Afternoon programs. Please notify the main office or child's teacher on the days they will be attending.
An Expanded Day Program is available on days when school is closed or there is a half day. All students attending expanded days must register in advance. Notice of expanded day registration will be announced via email and at the pick up desk. Expanded Days require an additional fee for all families who attend.
The After School Program will be closed when there is an early dismissal or when after school activities are cancelled due to inclement weather and the before school program will be closed when there is a delayed opening. Please sign up to receive the district alerts to receive information on school closings and delays
Parents who do not have children in the Tuckahoe Schools will have to provide their own transportation to and from the site.
Your child will not be released to anyone other than those specified on the registration form, or the emergency contact form. Please notify the TASC via email if someone other than the parent/guardian is picking up. You may add people to your authorized pick up list by logging into Campsites or emailing the directors.
T.A.S.C.‘s annual fees are pro-rated over ten months and are based on a per child, per day rate for the morning care, the regular afternoon care or early pick-up. If you pay the annual fee there is a 10% discount and the registration fee is waived.
There is a 15% discount for a second sibling and each additional child on monthly and annual fees only. The sibling discount does not apply to occasional use or expanded day programs.
Tuition payments are due by the 5th of the month. Invoices will only be sent for late payments.
In order to maintain our program, prompt tuition payment is expected. There is a $15 late fee for payments made after the 5th of each month. Those who are in arrears may risk being removed from the program until the balance is paid in full.
Occasional use fees may be paid at time of pick up
Tuition will not be refunded or credited for the following: illness, absenteeism or school closings. In special cases the directors may provide a refund in the form of account credit to be used within the program year.
TASC does offer in house scholarships for the school year program. Scholarships are not available for the summer program. Families in need can be awarded 25%-75% off of tuition fees. TASC is unable to offer 100% scholarships. To apply for a TASC scholarship please contact the directors via email: TASC365@gmail.com
Fees and Tuition schedules are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and are subject to change.
Registration is opened for the upcoming school year in August after camp ends. TASC school year program offers rolling registration from August - June but space is limited and the program will close registration once the licensing number is met.
To enroll a child in T.A.S.C., each family must pay a once a year non-refundable registration fee of $100. The registration fee is required for all families who utilize the program in any capacity and the registration fee remains the same for the entire school year.
Enrollment is limited and registration is based upon a first come, first serve basis.
You will be asked to provide an electronic signature while completing the online registration this indicates that you agree to the T.A.S.C. fees, policies and guidelines.
If you need to use T.A.S.C. for an occasional additional day, for which your child is not registered, you must discuss availability of space with the Director in advance, and pay the occasional use fee for the day.
Please notify the school and your child’s teacher of their T.A.S.C. schedule. The school must receive parental approval in order for them to release a student to T.A.S.C.
Occasional use families should send a note or email into the school/classroom teacher each time they use the program.
The school will not release students to T.A.S.C. without notification. It is the school’s/child’s teacher responsibility to escort students to T.A.S.C. each afternoon.
While in attendance students are responsible for their own belongs. T.A.S.C. is not responsible for personal items including jackets, back packs, toys, electronics, etc. We supply a designated area for each grade to place their items but T.A.S.C. is not responsible for lost, stolen or missing items.
Electronics are only allowed to be used in specified areas and may only be used/viewed by the owner. T.A.S.C. reserves the right to ban electronics including cell phones from student who abuse the privilege.
Any child who shows symptoms or a contagious infection will be sent home. Children are not allowed to attend T.A.S.C. if they missed school due to illness or if the parents were contacted during the day by the school nurse requesting pick-up from school.
T.A.S.C. staff CANNOT administer any daily medication.
T.A.S.C. Rules and Regulations will be shared with all T.A.S.C. families each September. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. Parents will be notified if a child is disruptive, abusive to others or T.A.S.C. equipment, or presents a safety problem.
As stated in T.A.S.C. Rules and Regulations, if a child is unable to adjust to the structure and policies of the program, T.A.S.C. reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Contract and withdraw the child from the program at anytime.
T.A.S.C. is licensed to operate on a 1:10 couselor to student ratio. T.A.S.C. reserves to right to remove students who require more individualized care then is offered, especially if T.A.S.C. is unable to guarentee the child's safety and the safety of the other students.
A conference will be held with the parent(s) / guardian and Directors in the case of removal from the program.
An online registration form containing emergency information and a Release and Medical Consent Form are required for each child enrolled in the T.A.S.C. program. Parents must complete all forms at the beginning of each school year and update them with any changes throughout the year.
In the event of a medical emergency, the Director will make every effort to contact the parent(s) or emergency persons listed. If parents or emergency persons cannot be reached, the Program Directors has parental consent for all medical care for your child as stated in the Release and Medical Consent Form.
T.A.S.C. is administered and coordinated at the site by Executive Director, Casey Brophy, Program Director, Marino Iandolo and T.A.S.C. counselors.
The staff will provide an environment where the children feel safe and secure and are encouraged to grow socially and emotionally.
The Staff is responsible for developing and implementing appropriate social and recreational activities suited to meet the needs of the different age groups.